0.04 Dev Journal
Video Journal
Project Status 0.02
What was done
Last Weeks Goals
Details & Things I Learned
Drawings & Inspiration From This Week
What's Next?
Question Surrounding Technology and Elitism
Binge watching TV shows
Project Status 0.01
How it was done and what was learned
What's gonna be in 0.02?
Sketches from this week
Things for 0.02+
Notable Podcasts + Notes
AI Podcast #74: Michael I. Jordan
Data markets
Personal knowledge systems/recommender systems
Responsible Context Aware Data Systems
AI Podcast #82: Simon Sinek
This is why I hate the current data model
Projects Status: 0.00
Disappearing Notes
We did it! The notes disappear!
What was done + what I learned
Naming Scheme
Some goals for 0.01
Goals 0.01+
Political Musings
Why do we let the president appoint so many people?
West Wing S2E18
Twitter Politics
Should the private sector be controlling public services?
How would you design a city from the ground up? TLDR: IDK
On Watching TV
Radio Spectrum Allocation
Should Corporations be People?
Personal Writings
What I want to do & who I want to be
Notes on Personal Statement for HCI PhD
Being aware of how other people make you feel
Breathing (and Exercise)
The information density of language
Tourism and Globalism
COVID-19 & The Markets
Last updated 4 years ago
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