Last updated
Last updated
Mostly cleanup from the mess I created the past two weeks
So let's pull it from last week and find out
There's not a whole lot to write on the App side of things this week. Most of it was just cleanup. Some details for the podcast player and things I've learned
Went through to request Twitter API Credentials for future usage
Requested for ListenNotes API Credentials
Rename Views and organize them
Work on experimental View CommandPalette
For autocompleting commands, adding tags, semantic search, etc
Play with animations
Add date break
On app start go through DB and check if the day has changed between two thoughts, if so add boolean flag to CoreData
. UI will check this flag and set up the date separator accordingly
Fix TextInput
appearing over ConversationView
Adjust the frame height of the ConversationView
. Needed to modify the Environment
Work on Podcast App
Stream Audio with AVPlayer
Media controls
Callback to update UI information when a tick fires
Create AVAudioSession
and link it into system AV
Add MPRemoteCommandCenter
to hook into Command Center for Lockscreen and Device
Add permissions to run in the background
Research on how to get apps to share common data and do IPC
Looks like we can do this on iOS/MacOS using Application Groups
This is like a common sandbox or something. Interested to use this.
If ListenNotes API, then use it to build podcast App
Otherwise create some static list with basic WebUI to add podcasts to and use this to sync which ones I'm subscribed to or something. Not sure exactly yet.
Also want subscribe for notifications, but also listen queue
Dynamically add things to top of the queue (up first)
With basic podcast integration
Need the UI to have some kind of an indication that a podcast was playing or is playing.
Capture events on the podcast essentially. Will have to add a stop command as noted
Maybe similar to Date thing, do podcast... idk yet
Also need to be able to modify in the front of the app not just in the podcast portion
Will need to do similarly for the web. Might need to adjust how the text file is written
Write in date modifiers
Write in podcast modifiers
These modifiers can build some sort of context hierarchy or something
Maybe not just a blind append, but a \t or something
Maybe use UTF-8 blank characters to indicate certain things? Or emojis?
Figure out a better system to log what is being done, maybe a lot of commits.
If no podcast stuff then maybe start more work on the command palette and books
predict page based on time elapsed? over time?